11 Jan

It is every writer's dream to have a ready market that is anxiously waiting for the publication of their book or posting of your latest article. This can however be difficult to achieve especially if you have kids or a day job that consume most of your time. This is why you must prepare yourself with the right plans and actions and be devoted to it in order to build an audience.

It is important to note that this will not happen overnight. You will have to be patient and slowly watch as the audience grows steadily till the time you will be fully blown. The first plan is to market your book before publishing. The reality is if you wait until the book is published and you are expecting a big sale to come out from it, well, you are lying to yourself. So start doing your marketing while you are still in the writing stage,  or when the manuscript is being edited or either when the book cover is being edited, the choice is yours.

It is also important to note down your goals and ways of achieving them. One of the best examples is when you intend to build an author's website. You will have to start with research by finding out the name of your website, which URL you prefer to use, whether you are better off managing the website or you need a web designer, what type of content you will have on your website and many more. This way you will have a clear vision of what you want.

With the goals, already clear, you can now commit yourself on a daily basis to achieve one goal a day. This will bring progress to your vision. A lot of sacrifice and disciple will have to come from you in order to achieve this. When you feel like you are not in the mood, always remember the end game and pull the strength to do what you intended to do. You can learn how to keep your author career on the right path by checking out this blog

Most authors focus on selling their book. This is a wrong approach if you intend to build an audience. The best approach would be building a relationship with your audience. When you are marketing for your book it would be best to interest your audience with who you are as an individual and your writing. This way you will find more people being drawn to you more and more. Follow these tips to write a great book: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/chaker-khazaal/tips-to-writing-a-book-yo_b_10203120.html

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